Friday, August 8, 2014

Is there any billionaire, charter profiteer, poverty pimp, or right-wing ideologue that Alex Johnson won’t take money from?

Is there any billionaire, charter profiteer, poverty pimp, or right-wing ideologue that Alex Johnson won’t take money from?:

Is there any billionaire, charter profiteer, poverty pimp, or right-wing ideologue that Alex Johnson won’t take money from?

In calling for a special election, what Mark Ridley-Thomas, Alex Johnson, Rev. Tulloss, Corri Revere, and the charter schools along with their billionaire puppet masters are really saying is we have to hurt the children to protect the children.—Celes King IV
Poverty pimp Alex Johnson puts profits before pupils
When it comes to corporate sponsors poverty pimp Alex Johnson puts top auto racing teams to shame.
We’ve looked at some of Alex “ALEC” Johnson’s funders during the primary election in The case against Alex Johnson. We looked at one of his prominent Independent Expenditures (IE) in Alex Johnson’s corporate SuperPAC run by Eli Broad’s Dan “students must pledge to capitalism” Chang. The latter article is even more important when we read that reactionary anti-public school operative Michelle Rhee and her right-wing funded “Students First” political organization donated dark money directly to Chang’s SuperPAC for Johnson:
This was the Caprice Young contribution. While she herself is extremely problematic, the fact that she’s working for the right-wing Laura and John Arnold Foundation was even more tantalizing. Arnold was the hedge fund manager who walked away with billions during the Enron scandal. The reactionary couple use the money to forward their extremist policies of union busting, pension looting, and school Is there any billionaire, charter profiteer, poverty pimp, or right-wing ideologue that Alex Johnson won’t take money from?: