Tuesday, August 26, 2014

EdNext’s Paul Peterson: Common Core Got the Bum Rap– Just Like Poor NCLB Did | deutsch29

EdNext’s Paul Peterson: Common Core Got the Bum Rap– Just Like Poor NCLB Did | deutsch29:

EdNext’s Paul Peterson: Common Core Got the Bum Rap– Just Like Poor NCLB Did

August 25, 2014
Education Next is a journal that strongly promotes the privatization of public education based upon standardized-test-driven outcomes. The folks at EdNext really love charters and vouchers that drain *authentic* public schools of their funding all the while escaping the “accountability” so-called “reform” demands of those flunky, traditional public schools.
The EdNext editor-in-chief is Paul Peterson. He happens to be fond of charters, vouchers, and parent trigger laws.
In April 2014, Peterson and two others published a book entitled Teachers Versus the Public. That ought to tell you something about Peterson’s opinion of career classroom teachers.
Enough said.
Ironically, it seems that the “public” has spoken: Peterson’s book is a dud.
That doesn’t mean he is finished pushing his privatizating, “blame the traditional teachers” message via his EdNext survey, which was begun in 2007– the year that George W. Bush’s “100 percent proficiency in reading and math by 2014″ No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was floundering in its reauthorization, a loaded issue that had run right smack into an election year.
That’s right: For the past eight years, EdNext has been administering its own public opinion survey on education issues that tend to originate with so-called “think tanks,” education-affiliated nonprofits, and the federal government– not with parents or teachers, and not from local communities.
Now, EdNext loves vouchers, charters, triggers, and grading teachers and schools using student standardized test scores. However, when it comes to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), the EdNext board runs the gamut, ranging from strong supporters, to the lukewarm, to those decidedly opposed.
EdNext editor-in-chief Peterson happens to be one who is fond of CCSS.
Since the 2014 version of the EdNext survey was published, Peterson has begun EdNext’s Paul Peterson: Common Core Got the Bum Rap– Just Like Poor NCLB Did | deutsch29: