Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Cheers and Checked Again | Continuing Change

Cheers and Checked Again | Continuing Change:

Cheers and Checked Again

 You know you are a nerd when you are watching a local school board meeting, with your cell phone taping,  as you cheer at the screen.

Imagine the excitement to hear your own school board members agree,  unanimously,  to find a way to opt your entire county out of high stakes testing.
That was me last night.
Except, I wasn’t cheering as a nerd.  No, I was cheering as a mom …
Because, really, when it comes down to it, I’m doing all this for my kid.
My child. Not my contract, not my opinion on issues, not to sell a book, or to win a position or a promotion … not for profit.
Not for nothing, as my jersey folk say.
I’m doing it for my kid. For my fifth grade daughter who is missing much of the opportunities of her education due to the ridiculous amounts of testing.
Then,  I realize… Check.
I think of other parents out there who want much more for their kids than ‘less testing’ . I realize they want life for their kids.
They want to know that their kids can walk down the street and not be shot.
They want to talk about race not tests.
While I’m cheering as I watch the news, they areCheers and Checked Again | Continuing Change: