Friday, August 1, 2014

Campbell Brown Exposed by Stephen Colbert southbronxschool

Campbell Brown Exposed by Stephen Colbert

Earlier in the week when I heard thatCampbell Brown was to appear on The Colbert Report I kind of cringed.

I am not a fan of Stephen Colbert's schtick on the show (Though there are some bits I have enjoyed), though I do like him, and more of a fan of The Daily Show. But two things had be concerned.

One was how would Colbert's schtick work with a topic like tenure and education in general, and would real questions be asked. I liked what I watched. A few moments really stood out for me.

When asked by Colbert about  Campbell why she has her guns out for unions and why Partnership for Education Justice has filed it's lawsuit, Brown said; "First let me correct something you said, we are not filing the lawsuit, it is 7 parents in New York State that have kids in public schools are filing the law suit. We are helping them and supporting them. We are finding them law firms." 

That PEJ and herself are not giving any monies but rather, assisting.

Of course there is no money changing hands. But a query. Who paid for the parents from Rochester to spend a few nights in New York City? Who paid for all those nice clothes the parents were wearing at the news conference on Monday. Did these parents seek out PEJ on their own, or were they sought out. If they were sought out how many have volunteered and/or have been employed by Students First? We do know that the lead plaintiff, Keoni Wright was employed by SF at one time. 

Campbell even shares that the law firm, Kirkland Ellis, is representing the parents pro bono, but how