Saturday, August 9, 2014

8-9-14 Jersey Jazzman NJ Ed News Round-up Jammin' All Week

Jersey Jazzman:
Jersey Jazzman Jammin' All Week

EXCLUSIVE: Newark Teachers Union's Joe Del Grosso, In His Own Words
I really didn't think I'd be interviewing Joe Del Grosso yesterday.When I reached out to my contacts in the Newark Teachers Union, I was looking for a response from them regarding the news, first reported by the estimable Bob Braun, that a Newark parent group, PULSE, was pushing a federal investigation of the state-run school district's restructuring plan, One Newark.As I wrote in a series of brie

AUG 07

Summertime Celebrity Education Ignorance: David Boies
1967 become known as the "Summer of Love."2014 will become known as the "Summer of Hate -- For Teachers Unions."Here in the steaming days of early August, the anti-union, anti-teacher, anti-tenure forces are whipping themselves into a froth over the idea that a school district might have to give a senior teacher a reason for not renewing her contract. Inspired by the widely bro

AUG 03

Campbell Brown, Meet Mike Mignone: The Whistle-blowing Teacher Whose Job Was Saved By Tenure
UPDATE: See below.I have a wish:I wish that every time Campbell Brown made one of her many, many incoherent media appearances where she bad-mouths teachers unions and insists teachers don't need tenure...She would be forced to sit next to Mike Mignone.As I've reported before, Mignone -- a veteran middle school math teacher in Belleville, NJ -- has been the targeted by members of his school board a

AUG 01

Campbell Brown: Lame
UPDATE: I can think of no better example of why teachers need tenure than the case of Mike Mignone. Does Campbell Brown have the integrity to hear his story and respond?I can only hope that Campbell Brown's appearance last night on The Colbert Report is typical of what she is going to bring to the debate over school workplace protections. Because if this is the best the anti-tenure side can muster

The Gentrification of Camden's Schools Part I
gentrification—noun 1. the buying and renovation of houses and stores in deteriorated urban neighborhoods by upper- or middle-income families or individuals, thus improving property values but often displacing low-income families and small businesses.Since public educators have been largely excluded from the education 'reform' agenda, it's up to bloggers and others on social media to tell our side

Cami to principal: You’re “awesome”–and you’re fired
He was, he says, one of “Cami’s people.”  Hired just last year to run Barringer STEAM, one of those untested  innovations that state-imposed Newark superintendent Cami Anderson likes to inflict on the people of Newark. He did everything that was asked of him, including attending a charter-based conference in New York when he should have […]

AUG 05

Feds will probe firing of black school administrators
Newark’s state-imposed school superintendent, Cami Anderson, now armed with a new three-year contract and the unrelenting love of presidential aspirant Chris Christie, has found yet another way to waste public funds on legal fees–violating the civil rights of employees, parents and children. Just little more than a week after the US Department of Education announced […]