Friday, August 8, 2014

8-8-14 With A Brooklyn Accent: Teach for Life

With A Brooklyn Accent:

What We Want and Need- A Friday Afternoon Message to Arne Duncan:
We Need to show appreciation and respect for public school teachers and make them an integral part of every education policy making body.We need to develop strategies to attract and retain great teachers- teachers for life.We need to ramp up efforts to recruit and retain teachers of color.We need to transform schools in high needs areas into round the clock community centers and help them, not clo

Teach for Life
My improbable initiative-- defund Teach for America and start a campaign called Teach for Life which encourages talented, idealistic young people to become teachers and STAY in the classroom. Such a campaign would treat teaching as the most important profession in the society, not something talented people leave after a few years to pursue careers in law, business, politics or "school leaders

8-5-14 With A Brooklyn Accent: The rush to expose"Bad Teachers."
With A Brooklyn Accent: The rush to expose"Bad Teachers."The rush to expose"Bad Teachers."    From the mid 1940's to the mid 1950's, leaders in government, themedia, the trade union movement and the private sector spent anenormous amount of time and energy trying to expose and root outalleged Communists and Communist sympathizers. In the process, tens ofthousands of people lost