Friday, August 8, 2014

8-8-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

Updates and Pondering the Issues of Capital Building in Seattle Schools
Went to the BEX Oversight Committee meeting this morning. In terms of notable people at the meeting, Director Sharon Peaslee was there, Lead Counsel Ron English was not.Issues mentioned/discussed- Seems to be some kind of portable placement issue for Blaine and Laurelhurst.  No specifics given.- Only $1M for technology left in BEX IV.  Head of Technology, Carmen Rahm, gave a presentation where he

Special Ed Update
The district has sent out a letter to "principals, teachers and staff."  It does not include parents but I'm supposing that is not an omission but rather, a separate letter to be sent.I think there will be a few readers here who will say, "I told you so."  I myself have told various Board members, through the years, that in Seattle Schools, if there is smoke, there IS a fire so

Friday Open Thread
I'm at the BEX Oversight Committee meeting this morning; I'll let you know if anything news-worthy gets said.What's on your mind?

8-7-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Gates to ConnectEDU: Where's Our Dough?When we last left this story, ConnectEDU, a company that had an interactive program to try to connect middle school students with info on college/career.  From the story in the Wall Street Journal yesterday:In July 2013, the well-known foundation awarded a nearly $500,000 grant to ConnectEDU to develop an interactive program t