Wednesday, August 6, 2014

8-6-14 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Will New Yorkers Ever Realize What A Thug Andrew Cuomo Is?

 Jason Riley at the WSJ:Why hasn't Mr. Astorino been able to capitalize? My sources tell me that the Republican is running a good campaign but that the governor's huge money advantage—as of mid-July the Cuomo campaign had $35 million on hand, versus $2.4 million for Mr. Astorino—has made it difficult for the lesser-known county executive to gain traction. The governor is using that war chest to at

8-5-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: The "Air Of Inevitability" Around Cuomo's Re-ElectionLaura Nahmias at Capital NY:ALBANY—More than half the 50 top donors to the state’s Republican party between 2003 and 2006 have given more to Cuomo and the Democrats this campaign cycle than they have to the G.O.P. and Rob Astorino, an analysis by NYPIRG’s Bill Mahoney shows. Of the 50 donors who gave the most to