Sunday, August 3, 2014

8-3-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum Week

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

Seattle Schools This Week
Friday, August 8thBEX Oversight Committee Meeting, 8:30 am-10:30 am, JSCEE, Room 2750Minutes from June.It will be interesting to see if the downtown school issue will be discussed.  (Yes, I know that BEX money is spoken for but it might come up as a topic.)No Community Meetings with Board directors on Saturday the 9th.To note: next week, the schedule starts picking up again with two Board committe

Overkill Leads to...what the U.S. System Looks Like Today
Remember when I said. let's go back to basics?  This might be a good start.

A Reminder to Our Readers
This is a community forum blog.  To me and Charlie, that means anyone can come and discuss anything relevant to public education from national right down to specific Seattle schools/programs.  We try to guide the conversation but not define it. You can opine/inform on topics on just about anything in public education.  We provide open threads for topics that Charlie and I might have missed.We try

8-2-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum Week
Seattle Schools Community Forum:Seattle Schools Community ForumSeattle Compassionate Schools MovementJust heard about this event:From Sandy Hook to Seattle: Building the Compassionate Schools MovementMonday, August 11th - 7 pm-9 pm - $10Tuesday, August 12th - 8 am-4 pm - $20Cleveland High School, 5511 15th Avenue S. Register here. Following the tragedy in Newtown, CT, Dr. Christopher Kukk and Scar