Saturday, August 23, 2014

8-23-14 the becoming radical EMPATHYEDUCATES! | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness by P. L. Thomas, EdD



the becoming radical 
 A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness 

Complicit: On Facing the Mirror Before Casting Stones
“Let me begin,” admits George J. Sefa Dei in “‘We Cannot Be Color-Blind': Race, Antiracism, and the Subversion of Dominant Thinking,” “by making clear that I see myself as fully complicit in the discussion that I undertake in this chapter” (p. 25). As we face large and powerful social forces such as poverty and racism—along with more narrow issues of education—I believe we all must address that fi

AUG 19

English Journal: Speaking Truth to Power: Invisible Young Men: African American Males, Academics, and Athletics P. L. Thomas
English Journal, Vol. 104, No. 1, September 2014 Speaking Truth to Power Invisible Young Men: African American Males, Academics, and Athletics, P. L. Thomas
Lessons from Cycling—for Cyclists and Educators
My formal expertise and experience are in the field of education, but I have developed as well what I consider equal expertise and experience in two other areas, although the paths have been primarily by self-education: writing and cycling. I have been serious, purposeful, and committed to teaching, writing, and cycling all for about thirty years each; however, as a writer and cyclist, I have basi

AUG 16

Call: Democracy And Decency: What Does Education Have To Do With It?
CALL FOR CHAPTER PROPOSALS DEMOCRACY AND DECENCY: WHAT DOES EDUCATION HAVE TO DO WITH IT? EDITORS: PAUL R. CARR, P. L. THOMAS, BRAD PORFILIO & JUIE GORLEWSKI PUBLISHER: INFORMATION AGE PUBLISHING Democracy can mean a range of concepts, including freedoms, rights, elections, governments, processes, philosophies and a panoply of abstract and concrete notions that can be mediated by power, positi

Becoming a White Ally to Black People in the Aftermath of the Michael Brown Murder
By Janee Woods | Originally Published What Matters. August 17, 2014 | Photograph; Michael Brown | Facebook As we all know by now, Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenage boy, was gunned down by the police while walking to his grandmother’s house in the middle of the […]
Like Dred Scott, Michael Brown Was Denied His Right to Live—and to Live as an American
By Blair L.M. Kelley | Originally Published at The Root. August 14, 2014 6:32 PM | Photograph; Michael Brown | Facebook News out of Ferguson, Mo., has been devastating. Since unarmed teenager Michael Brown was killed by an as-yet-unidentified police officer, local police have responded to the […]

AUG 21

The Con Artistry of Charter Schools
By Ruth Conniff | Originally Published at In These Times. August 20, 2014 Once an effort to improve public education, the charter school movement has transformed into a money-making venture. There’s been a flood of local news stories in recent months about FBI raids on charter schools […]

AUG 20

A White Sheriff, His Black Son; Kitchen Table Conversations About Race
Beyond Ferguson there are countless race-related conversations. We are also talking about the police. When the two come together…Well, what do you think? A White Sheriff, His Black Son…What might the two say when they sit down to dinner? Guests: Kevin Fisher-Paulson | Produced By: Arwa Gunja […]

AUG 18

Louisiana Educational Assessment Program Scores – Smoke And Mirrors
Photograph; Arthur Ashe, an independent charter school in the state’s Recovery School District, students prepare for LEAP exams. | Advocate staff photo By John McCusker Introductory Essay By Raynard Sanders, Ed.D., an Educator, a former John McDonogh School Principal and a New Orleans resident For years the […]
I Don’t Know How to Talk to White People About Ferguson
Photograph; Ali Barthwell Ali Barthwell | Originally Published at xoJane. August 14, 2014 at 12:30PM Witnessing racial violence feels more personal when you’re black. I couldn’t watch the video of Eric Garner being strangled by the NYPD because his large frame and dark skin reminded me of […]
The Coming Race War Won’t Be About Race
Photograph; A protestor during demonstrations in Ferguson, Mo. on August 17, 2014. | Credit; Jon Lowenstein—Noor for TIME Kareem Abdul-Jabbar @kaj33 | Originally Published at Time. August 17, 2014 Will the recent rioting in Ferguson, Missouri, be a tipping point in the struggle against racial injustice, or […]
Why More and More Restaurants Are Banning Kids
By Roya Wolverson @royawolverson | Originally Published at Quartz. August 16, 2014 The first time I saw an infant at a raucous concert in Brooklyn, NY, I was shocked. I was in my late 20s and had had it with the abrasive noise and spilled beer after […]