Saturday, August 16, 2014

8-16-14 Living in Dialogue

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A question on a New York Regents test lauds the “stunning” contribution Bill Gates has made to the global fight against disease. Last week high school students in the state of New York who previously failed their New York Regents exam in June were given a second chance. This test is one of five that students must pass in order to receive their high school diplomas. It was created by State Departme

Ranking and Sorting: The Sordid History of Standards and Tests
By Anthony Cody When critics such as myself point out the very bad effects the Common Core tests are having, as they label more than two thirds of our children unready for college and career, we are accused of “conflating tests with standards.” UFT president Michael Mulgrew was making this argument on the AFT convention floor, when he threatened to punch in the face anyone who might try to take “h

AUG 09

Israel Munoz and Hannah Nguyen at EmpowerEd, 2014
The post Israel Munoz and Hannah Nguyen at EmpowerEd, 2014 appeared first on Living in Dialogue.
Wayne Au: Educating Gates
The post Wayne Au: Educating Gates appeared first on Living in Dialogue.
Can Teachers Reclaim the Democratic Party?
By John Thompson. Valerie Strauss’s “’Education Reform’ Now a Pejorative Term to Many Progressive Democrats” and Jeff Bryant’s “Education ‘Reform’ Loses the Netroots” are just two of the recent celebrations of the way that Democrats and progressives are rejecting corporate school reform.  Bryant began his hopeful post, “Every year Netroots Nation is arguably the most important annual event in the
The iPad Fiasco: “What do the Terms of Service Say About My Rights?”
A high school teacher asks us to consider the techrights and human rights of the underage human subjects of business-imposed edtech experiments and “innovations”, and to reflect on Audrey Watters’ column, Ed-Tech and the Templated Self: Thoughts from the “Reclaim Your Domain” Hackathon. by Mary Porter.  Teachers must protect student agency and identity from the “templated self” demanded by edtech

AUG 05

From the AFT Convention, Looking Forward
Notes on building our movement and the AFT following the Los Angeles convention By Kipp Dawson (rank-and-file delegate to the AFT convention from Pittsburgh) This is a life-or-death time for the American Federation of Teachers. The July 12-14, 2014, convention reflected both positive movement, and continuing obstacles, for our union. As we take on the challenges we all face with the opening of sch