Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Face Of Authentic School Reform – redqueeninla

The Face Of Authentic School Reform – redqueeninla:

The Face Of Authentic School Reform

Written by redqueeninla in Education

How do you complain about a system you support? Because it’s been suggested that criticizing LAUSD only feeds its demise by contributing to the atmosphere of fear and/or negativity that ultimately “forces” families into the arms of privatized “public” schools, aka Charter Schools.
The fallacy is that if you don’t like what you experience, you should go elsewhere, namely out of the system.
Yet what sparks howls of protest from among those of us here by choice, is that the option to fix, not forgo, never seems to figure into the equation. In fact, it was once presumed a component of maturation to learn how to stay and resolve a problem, not just grab one’s toys and stalk away. The latter would be considered a spoiled, selfish, “entitled” and reactionary response, one indicating a need for attention to social, interactive and problem-solving skills.
And yet the political climate educationally as well as more broadly, establishes a response funnel where the presence of a problem is construed as evidence of an irretrievably broken miasma of permanent and irreversible failure from which immediate withdrawal is the only solution.
Conversely, then, acknowledging or pointing out problems in the system is considered tantamount to admitting irreversible “badness”.
Which as a participant in this system, is a The Face Of Authentic School Reform – redqueeninla: