Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Best of LAUSD: the others - Los Angeles Public Education |

The Best of LAUSD: the others - Los Angeles Public Education |

The Best of LAUSD: the others

 The wonderful Music teachers and their fantastic programs that I have observed over the last 34 years.

The itinerant teachers that serve the needs of special children.
There are also elementary assistant principals who work at 3 different schools that are usually great distances apart. Their sole function is to deal with the paperwork for special needs students. Because the district sends them to so many schools in one week, and there is so much paperwork and so many IEP meetings for them to conduct, they don't have the time to observe and to get to know these students.
The classroom aides that do everything that they can for the students and for their teachers. Some of these aides live in the community and can affect changes in students’ behaviors.
The playground and lunch aides that weather all types of weather and all types of behavior and come out smiling.
The office managers, cafeteria managers, and offices clerks that go above and beyond for the teachers and for the students.
The plants managers and custodians that handle every teachers request no matter the size.
The supportive parents—that serve on the booster clubs, P.T.A.s, school councils, and serve as classroom parents. I have met parents that ask what you need and if you say that I need the Eiffel Tower by Monday for a lesson that call DHL.
The teachers are LAUSD. Add in the students, the other school site employees, the supportive parents and you have the setting for a positive educational experience.
But, again, this is LAUSD and the teachers don’t count and they are last on the district totem pole.
I once heard that the Montebello, California school district rotated their district administrators from the schools and back. Wow! Teachers in charge! Educators not far from the classroom running the district.
If LAUSD=the teachers+students+parents+school staffs, then why do we The Best of LAUSD: the others - Los Angeles Public Education |