Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Answer Sheet 7-10-14

Answer Sheet:

What libraries need from key U.S. technology program
I’ve published two posts this week about the federal “E-Rate” program — which offers discounts to schools and libraries  for Internet access and telecommunications — and a modernization plan that the Federal Communications Commission will take up at its meeting Friday. The first post urged the FCC to approve the plan as a first step […]

What 4 teachers told Obama over lunch
President Obama sat down this week for lunch at the White House with Education Secretary Arne Duncan and four teachers to talk about education, teaching and school reform. What the teachers said to Obama is explained in the following post by Justin Minkel, the 2007 Arkansas Teacher of the Year, a board member of the […]

The Answer Sheet 7-9-14
Answer Sheet: Will the FCC ignore educators in modernizing key U.S. technology program?This post is a rebuttal to one that I published a few days ago about the federal “E-Rate” program — which offers discounts for schools and libraries to get Internet access and telecommunications — under the headline “A watershed moment for technology in education.” The earlier piece was co-written by Julius Gena