Monday, July 28, 2014

UPDATE byteacherken: One sentence says it all + take your yoga off the mat

take your yoga off the mat:

One sentence says it all
Having just read the opinion of the Fourth Circuit in the Virginia marriage equality case, where the judges agreed with the trial judge that Virginia's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, one sentence jumped off the page. Previously the Supreme Court had deferred to state courts on the interpretation of state laws of marriage. But the Windsor case changed the ground rules.  As the opinio

and into the city and the rest of your life.
We all come to yoga, because we're seeking some sense of peace or increased happiness, whether that be in the body, mind or both. What does yogic philosophy have to say about the place of joy in an integrated life?
That is the description of a class each Sunday morning at 11 AM at Flow Yoga Center on P Street NW in Washington DC.
The teacher is the inimitable Greg Marzullo.  If you want to know more about Greg, two possible ways
1.  Go to this link for the class schedule at Flow and look for his name and click - there you will get some good information
2.  Go to his website where you can read his blog, about some of the retreats he does, and more.
Greg is my principal yoga teacher and now also a friend, so I am prejudiced.  I happen to think he is one of the best teachers of any sort I have ever encountered.
I cannot always attend this Sunday morning class, because it conflicts with Meeting for Worship at my Quaker Meeting, on whose committee on Ministry and Worship I serve, but I did attend yesterday, which is the occasion of writing this post.
I ask that you keep reading, even if you do not think you are interested in yoga, either as a means of physical condition or as a philosophic approach.
I began doing yoga on December 30.  A good friend of ours who lives near us, STK, is in one of the teacher training programs at Flow, and also takes a good number of classes.  Because she does not drive, my wife has been somewhat insistent that I at least pick her up after her