Saturday, July 26, 2014

Star-Ledger: Discrimination in Newark is “bogus.” | Bob Braun's Ledger

Star-Ledger: Discrimination in Newark is “bogus.” | Bob Braun's Ledger:

Star-Ledger: Discrimination in Newark is “bogus.”

The Newark public schools have been stripped of their assets by the state.  The city’s children have been resegregated through a process of selection that leaves the neediest behind in the schools with the least assets while skimming the less needy students for charters. The people of the city have been stripped of their power to do anything about it and the ability to make change has been left in the hands of an incompetent superintendent and a megalomaniac governor who, once again, spit in the faces of city residents by saying he didn’t care. Chris Christie told popularly-elected mayor Ras Baraka—elected almost exclusively on school issues—that  “I am the decider and you have nothing to do with it.”
Yet, despite all this, the ever-predictable editorial board of The Star-Ledger—now abandoning Newark to take up residence in Woodbridge–finds that any complaint that the state’s policy is discriminatory is “bogus” and that state school superintendent Cami Anderson’s incompetence, no matter how dramatically illustrated by facts on the ground, still remains “bold” and worthy of support.
The logic of its latest editorial on the federal investigation into bias in the schools is that Anderson did not cause school segregation so she cannot be blamed for the Star-Ledger: Discrimination in Newark is “bogus.” | Bob Braun's Ledger: