Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Kristal Clear on Common Core: And This Fat Lady Sings

Kristal Clear on Common Core: And This Fat Lady Sings:

And This Fat Lady Sings

This is customer service nowadays and it is also what it feels like when you call the Capitol and attempt to voice constituent concerns with legislators, Governors and policy directors -- DEAF EARS!!  Even those "good" politicians (which there are not very many) compromise when push comes to shove and or get overruled by the Chamber of Commerce and BIG $$$ Lobby Groups. Another great reminder why I have always dreaded politics!!

These past 8 months I have met some BRAVE souls, stepped way outside my comfort zone, became a GIANT target, endured more slander than in High School, saw some heroic efforts by a few Godly politicians, witnessed grown men weep over poor political decisions, saw recognized leaders get up and walk out refusing to vote for unjustice, truly understood the meaning of "money is the root to all evil", been disappointed to be a republican, cried the ugly cry in front of MANY people (at the Capitol, school, even at the grocery store) and yet, have also been encouraged and inspired by some of the most genuine and virtuous people I've ever come in contact with.

The 2014 legislative session and school year has come to an end. Summer is here, most people have moved on and forgotten what was painful for some to endure. We did not necessarily accomplish what we came for, the fat lady sang and we move on. Did we truly win repeal? No!!! Did we lose? NO WAY!! God sees every heart, God sees all the focused efforts, God convicts those that need conviction and He will water and fertilize the MANY seeds that have been planted. Virtue remains virtue, and evil eventually will be judged by Him in His timing.

Until then I rejoice in knowing that He is in control of EVERY situation, I re-focus my efforts on leaning on Him preserving my own family and their needs and I exercise ALOT to remove these extra 2 inches I gained while trying to fight the good fight!

THIS FAT LADY is hitting the road with my music, my quiet moments, and MANY more prayers!!!

And just for the record, especially those of you that have children going into 3rd grade...demand a portfolio be maintained starting on day 1 in Kristal Clear on Common Core: And This Fat Lady Sings: