Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Feds will investigate “One Newark” | Bob Braun's Ledger

Feds will investigate “One Newark” | Bob Braun's Ledger:

Feds will investigate “One Newark”

PULSENJ's Sharon Smith
PULSENJ’s Sharon Smith
The deeply flawed state school reorganization plan known as “One Newark” faces a federal investigation. In response to a detailed request for a probe from Pulse New Jersey, a parent activist group founded by Johnny Lattner and Sharon Smith, the U.S. Department of Education will determine whether the plan–which has confused the lives of thousands of city children and their parents–violates the civil rights of Newark parents.
Lattner and Smith, joined by national Journey for Justice director Jitu Brown, will announced the details of the investigation today at noon during a press conference scheduled for the steps of City Hall.
“We made the case that One Newark’ discriminates against children, parents, and teachers, especially in the South Ward,” said Smith, who has been working on bringing the feds into Newark for months.
Smith says she hopes the investigation, authorized by Title 6 of the federal Civil Rights statute, will be prelude to suspending the “One Newark” plan and replacing it  with what Brown calls “sustainable school transformation.”
Brown’s organization is an umbrella group seeking to stop the mass closing of Feds will investigate “One Newark” | Bob Braun's Ledger: