Monday, July 21, 2014

Common Core Phrase: Teachers are ‘Guides on the Side’. Can Jibo Perform that Function? | Missouri Education Watchdog

Common Core Phrase: Teachers are ‘Guides on the Side’. Can Jibo Perform that Function? | Missouri Education Watchdog:

Common Core Phrase: Teachers are ‘Guides on the Side’. Can Jibo Perform that Function?

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Common Core State Standards Initiative is dependent on technology for teaching material, assessing the material and then gathering the data from the assessments into state databases which then can be accessed by various federal agencies and private third parties.  The insistence from the CCSS supporters that schools can still ‘choose their curriculum’ is hollow.  The curriculum will need to align so that the data can be compared from state to state.  If the curriculum doesn’t align, then how can the results from the assessments be valid for state by state comparison?
What would make this transition to ‘sameness’ easier?  Teachers have been taught different teaching strategies via CCSS and are now considered ‘guides on the side’.  They don’t write their own assessments and must teach to the script as their evaluations are tied to the assessment scores of their students.  Many veteran teachers are commenting teaching is no longer a profession.  They might be right.  If you are a ‘guide on the side’ then why not use a robot in the classroom that could perform the functions of following scripted lessons?  If direct instruction is passe and the students are leading their learning process, traditional teachers are not needed to impart knowledge and a cheaper robot might just fit the bill.