Monday, July 28, 2014

Coming Soon: Student Voice in a Box

Coming Soon: Student Voice in a Box:

Coming Soon: Student Voice in a Box

 It’s been an exciting two years at Student Voice. Our team has been hard at work at creating a global conversation about empowering students, involving them in the decisions that affect their lives, and helping them take control of their education.

Earlier this year, we decided it was time to begin creating tangible resources for students and teachers to use. The conversation about student voices is stronger than it has ever been; now it needs some support from tangible resources that folks can use in their daily lives and share with each other. Student Voice in a Box is our first step in this direction.
Student Voice in a Box is a toolkit for teachers to use in their classrooms. Our team has been hard at work collecting stories from students and educators about their student voice experiences in the classroom. Their stories paired with the classroom resources, online tools, and project ideas.
Student Voice in a Box will be released in six bite-size installations over the course of six weeks. Each installation will include two teacher interviews, one student interview, one long-form classroom project, and an assortment of short-form tips and tricks. The first installation will be released on the Student Voice website next Monday, August 4th.
You can sign up to receive Student Voice in a Box in your email here:
You can learn more about Student Voice in a Box here:
We look forward to sharing this with you and seeing what you think.