Tuesday, July 8, 2014

7-8-14 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

FireDogLake: Time To Fight Corporate Democrats Who Shill For Education Privatization
DS Wright at FireDogLake:While President Obama’s former spokesman, Robert Gibbs, manages a national public relations campaign against teachers unions, the National Education Association (NEA) has finally decided it has had enough of Team Obama’s union busting. The NEA has now called on Education Secretary Arne Duncan to resign....Duncan may have made a misstep when he publicly supported a court de

How Is This Tweet Harassment?
The Daily News:Two city parents who signed onto a suit to end teacher tenure in New York State say they’re being harassed by an educator who backs the protection.Mona Davids and Sam Pirozzolo of the New York City Parents Union say they were targeted by teacher Francesco Portelos in a Sunday tweet.“U need your protection removed so if you see a disservice to little Franklin P or Eric D u look away,
7-7-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Salon Covers Bill Gates' Common Core ObsessionMichael P. Mazenko on Bill Gates and the Common Core at Salon:It’s hard to envision Bill Gates not getting exactly what he wants, or backing down from anything. However, that was before he became the sugar daddy and primary backer of the Common Core State Standards, which have raised the ire of parents, students and educators in