Thursday, July 3, 2014

7-3-14 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

Have a SAFE 4th

How the UFT Sits By and Watches Discontinued Teachers Go Down
Plainly, the UFT basically doesn't give a shit when teachers lose their jobs.With the new tone between the UFT and Farina, why won't UFT Officials pick up a phone and save a teacher's career? One of the major reasons for the weakness of the union at the school chapter level is the unlimited power principals have to blackball probationary teachers from the system for life -- in addition to all the

Worse than Michelle Rhee: Teachers and public schools have a shocking new enemy
Isn't it time for teacher unions to issue a Declaration of Independence from the Democratic Party? Thomas Jefferson for AFT president. Again thanks to Jeff Kaufman for coming up with this article by Jeff Bryant writing at Solon. Note that our fearless union leaders keep sucking at the teat of the Democratic Party no matter how much they smash teachers and their union.TUESDAY, JUL 1, 2014 12:55 PM


Tier 4, 5, 6 Pension Plans Comparisons: The later you enter, the more you get screwed
Thanks to Jeff Kaufman for sending this to ICE Mail. We used to joke about Tier 12 - we're up to Tier 6 so we are half way there. Coming one day - Work 'till you are 80 --- but we know the reality -- few will make it to full pension. Tier 4 Pension Plan (applicable to members hired before 01/01/10)Employee Pension Contribution.............3% for ten years, *0% after (*except for special earlier

6-30-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: How Will UFT Be Affected if Supreme Court Rules Negative on Dues?Will disaffected UFTers quit the union? Will people think they are not getting their dues money's worth?I know this decision might come down any minute but I wanted to speculate a bit before it does on how the UFT might be affected.First, the essence of the case: You don't want to pay union dues (agency shop fees) if