Wednesday, July 23, 2014

7-23-14 Answer Sheet

Answer Sheet:

Studying Jon Snow: U-Va. offering ‘Game of Thrones’ summer course
If “The Simpsons” can be the subject of a college course (“Simpsons and Philosophy” at the University of California Berkeley), as well as “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” (at Portland State University), it was only a matter of time before “Game of Thrones” would make it onto some course catalog. And now it has. The University of […]

7-22-14 Answer Sheet
Answer Sheet: Educator: The many reasons ‘I am ashamed to be part of the system’Back in May I published a post by a veteran elementary school teacher named Ralph Ratto with this headline: ‘Today was the first day I was ever ashamed to be a teacher.’ What prompted him to write it was his experience administering controversial new Common Core-aligned standardized tests to his students in New York. I