Tuesday, July 22, 2014

7-22-14 Perdido Street School Week

Perdido Street School:

Al D'Amato Says Rob Astorino Needs To Apologize For Calling Christie And Cuomo Corrupt
Talk about ironic - the corrupt governors of New York and New Jersey getting defense from a corrupt former senator of New York:Republican former Sen. Al D’Amato — a key GOP ally for Gov. Andrew Cuomo — called on GOP candidate for governor Rob Astorino to apologize to both the incumbent Democrat and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie after remarks made this morning on the radio. “I strongly urge Rob A

Rob Astorino: Cuomo May Be Helping Christie Cover Up Bridgegate Scandal
Rob Astorino today outside Tweed courthouse, reacting to statements made by Chris Christie that he, as head of the Republican National Governors Association, won't help Astorino in his race against Cuomo:At a press conference in Manhattan Tuesday, Astorino said, “If Gov. Christie is unable to help a Republican candidate for governor, then maybe he should consider stepping down as chairman of the R

Teachout And Astorino Make Joint Appearance To Hammer Cuomo On His Lack Of Ethics
Nick Reisman at State of Politics:Astorino, meanwhile, due to make a joint appearance with Zephyr Teachout this morning at the Tweed Courthouse — an eyebrow raising event that could garner both campaigns more attention during a relatively slow summer.Teachout, a Fordham law professor, is challenging Cuomo on the Democratic primary ballot (Her petitions are being challenged by the governor’s re-ele
If Christie Doesn't "Invest In Lost Causes," Why Is He Running For President?
From Politics on the Hudson:New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie offered a harsh assessment of Rob Astorino’s candidacy for New York governor, saying tonight that the Republican Governors Association won’t “invest in lost causes.”Christie heads the association and met with Astorino, a fellow Republican, last November in Arizona, when Astorino was first starting to seriously consider a run for governor.“
7-21-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: Daily News Continues To Shill For The Common CoreA Siena poll released today found the following:BY a 49-39 percent margin, voters want to see implementation of the Common Core stopped rather than continued.Despite these numbers, Common Core-supporting newspaper the Daily News reports voters are "split" on the Core here in New York.Here's their headline:Voters back