Tuesday, July 22, 2014

7-22-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher

Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.:


Our lawyers to Judge Belz. The Supremes have ruled. Can we speed this pension thing up?
The Springfield State Journal Register: Lawyers challenging last year’s pension reform law said they will make another attempt to get an expedited ruling in the case in the wake of the Illinois Supreme Court’s decision in the retiree health insurance case. Lawyers said they believe the ruling in the health insurance case — called the Kanerva decision after one of the plaintiffs — effectively null

Rahm. Meet meet Newark’s new Mayor Ras Baraka. Money wasn’t enough to beat him.
NBC’s Mark Anderson of the Ward Room explains why Rahm’s money advantage may not be enough to save him. Rahm Emanuel, meet Ras Baraka. For those not following New Jersey politics, Baraka is the political progressive who won the 2014 mayoral election in Newark, the state’s largest city. To win, Baraka beat Shavar Jeffries, who many political observers in Jersey saw as the candidate of the state’s

Timothy P. Carter. “Oh, Fred. It only gets better.” Or worse.
Linda writes, “Oh Fred it gets even better.” New London — Before the Board of Education meets Thursday night to vote on a contract for Terrence P. Carter, its unanimous selection as the city’s next superintendent of schools, it will hold a closed-door conference call to question him further about his academic record. On Monday, the Board of Education canceled its scheduled meeting to vote on Carte

The phony CPS doctor, Timothy P. Carter has some explaining to do.
Today’s editorial in the Hartford, Connecticut Courant. Terrence P. Carter has some explaining to do. Mr. Carter, a Chicago educator hired to be New London’s new superintendent of schools, has been referring to himself as “doctor” for more than five years, years in which he has not held a doctorate from an accredited university, The Courant reported Friday. He is scheduled to receive a doctorate
NEA and AFSE need to settle this thing.
I left the NEA Representative Assembly in Denver with good feelings. We passed a strong statement on the misuse of testing. We called for the firing of Education Secretary Arne Duncan. We caused heartburn for union-hating centrist Democrats and public school-hating Republicans. We elected three strong women of color to head our union. So, it is more than a little troubling that members of the NEA
NBC’s Erin Carlson: “Karen Lewis for Eva Peron.” No. Madonna for Eva Peron. Lewis for mayor.
“Lewis has been an Eva Peron-style champion for teachers facing layoffs, school closures and the loss of their pensions (along with police and fire unions).” NBC’s Erin Carlson. Ah. Chicago journalism. Here’s the headline this morning at NBC’s Ward Room: “Seeking Re-Election, Emanuel Gets More Love From Labor Unions.” When Rahm Emanuel held a press conference to herald the ground-breaking of Wolf

7-21-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Chicago politics. Magical thinking, perfect storms and bean bag.All weekend I have been asked the same question. “Is Karen going to run?” I consider Karen a friend. But let us be clear. I am not on her exploratory committee, an insider or political confidant. I don’t like sitting in on strategy meetin