Tuesday, July 22, 2014

7-21-14 Schools Matter

Schools Matter:

Why the push to make students "Career Ready"?

Opt Out: Stop the Education Genocide
by Ira Shor Opt-Out: The REAL Parent RevolutionWe parents can stop the destruction of our public schools. We can stop the looting of school budgets by private charters and testing vendors. We can stop the abuse of our children by the relentless hours of testing. We can stop the closings, the co-locations, the mass firings, the replacement of veteran teachers with short-term Teach for America newbi

To the editor: Antonio Villaraigosa asks"Why are teachers unions so opposed to change?"(July 21). I would like to know why Mr. Villaraigosa is so opposed to learning the facts about American schools and the Common Core. Villaraigosa claims that American students do poorly compared to students in other countries on international tests and that the Common Core will help us do better.  Is h

7-21-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: TURNcoats Meet in Rosemont, IL to Promote Common Coreby Jim Horn / 2h  7-20-14 Schools Matter All WeekSchools Matter: NEA, SEIU, and Eli BroadAt the recent AFT and NEA coronations, there was news about new linkages with SEIU, whose former president, Andy Stern, had close ties with Broad, Gates, and Obama (Stern had a choice seat in the Obama box at the Inauguration Parade). Below i