Monday, July 21, 2014

7-21-14 Perdido Street School Week

Perdido Street School:

How Quickly New York Has Soured On The Common Core
Dave Weigel at Slate reacting to the Siena poll that found 49% of New Yorkers want Common Core implementation stopped - including 53% of independents: The new Siena poll doesn't contain many surprises—Andrew Cuomo easily leads his re-election race, challenger Zephyr Teachout has yet to register, etc. It's really just the question, and answers, about the Common Core education curriculum that surpri

Edu-Entrepreneurs And Lobbyists Flood Cuomo's "Smart Schools" Forum
Not a surprise - that "Smart Schools Commission meeting" I blogged about earlier was filled with edu-entrepreneurs and corporate lobbyists looking to feed off the public trough: Rather than being filled solely with educators, many of the roughly 100 people who came to a Smart Schools Public Symposium earlier Monday were lobbyists and representatives of telecoms, networking companies, sof

Cuomo's Dumb Schools Initiative Meets Later In The Week
From State of Politics:At 1 p.m., the first meeting about the broadband availability enhancement component of the Smart Schools Initiative will be held, Blue Room, second floor, state Capitol.Seems like Cuomo's "Smart Schools Initiative" could have made Frederick Hess' 10 School Reform Phrases That Should Trigger Your BS Detector list:Education is filled with jargon, buzzwords, and BS. I

Daily News Continues To Shill For The Common Core
A Siena poll released today found the following:BY a 49-39 percent margin, voters want to see implementation of the Common Core stopped rather than continued.Despite these numbers, Common Core-supporting newspaper the Daily News reports voters are "split" on the Core here in New York.Here's their headline:Voters back Cuomo; split on Common Core and hydrofracking: Siena PollSince when is
Siena Poll Finds 49% Of New Yorkers Say Common Core Needs To Go
These poll numbers are going to make NYSED Commissioner King and Regents Chancellor Tisch very, very sad:BY a 49-39 percent margin, voters want to see implementation of the Common Core stopped rather than continued.Digging into the numbers:"While a majority of New York City voters and a plurality of Democrats think Common Core standards continue to be implemented, a majority of Republicans, i

7-20-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: James GarnerIt has been announced that James Garner has died at the age of 86.Garner wrote one of my favorite pieces on actors and politics in 2011:James Garner's memoir "The Garner Files" was published today, and far from being a glossed over look at his career, it's very much matter of fact. Although he defends actors who express their political views, he is crit