Monday, July 21, 2014

7-21-14 Answer Sheet

Answer Sheet:

What Consumer Reports said about a kids’ tablet that it didn’t mean
The August edition of the valuable Consumer Reports magazine includes a piece titled “Back-to-school bests: Our top picks for tablets and laptops — for all ages.” The piece starts by noting that students today “need a lot more than pencils and notebooks” and then provides short write-ups of five different tablets: *For kindergarten — Samsung […]

Why college remediation needs to be overhauled
Award-winning Principal Carol Burris of South Side High School in New York has written here and here about how college remediation rates are often hyped. In in the following post she expands her examination by looking at the purpose and efficacy of the remedial model. Burris has been exposing the problems with New York’s disastrous […]
This is educational ‘innovation’?
The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, which brings the world the international testing program of 15-year old students known as PISA, just issued a new report called “Measuring Innovation in Education: A New Perspective, Educational Research and Innovation.” Yes, the OECD is measuring innovation in education. There are, of course, innovation metrics for evaluating […]
All Week @ The Answer Sheet 7-19-14
The Answer Sheet:All Week @ The Answer SheetMom’s letter to college-bound daughter: Why ‘I have reason to fear’Vicki Abeles is a filmmaker, attorney and mother of three. She is also the co-director and producer of the education documentary “Race to Nowhere,” which revealed the damage to young people being done by the pressures of school, homework, tutoring and extracurricular activities. In the fo