Friday, July 18, 2014

7-18-14 Schools Matter

Schools Matter:

Barbara Madeloni Discusses Testing, Teaching, Income Inequality

Understanding Why the TURN Cancer Has to Be Cut Out of AFT and NEA
Posted at @theChalkace July 18, 2014With a concerted effort among AFT and NEA misleadership shills to make TURN appear be a kinder and gentler form of corporate union takeover, it's important to "replay the tape" in order to understand the history that has been made and the history that is being made.  There are some who pretend to believe that TURN cannot be all bad if they invite Karen

Jonah EdelmanSeneca Crane

7-17-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Charter Cap in Massachusetts Will Not Be LiftedIt is gratifying to know that the legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, where public schools were born, took a significant step this week to support Horace Mann's notion of quality public schools for all children.  As Mann said some 160 years ago, "agitate, agitate, agitate, but always for a good cause." The good