Thursday, July 17, 2014

7-17-14 Curmudgucation


TNTP Lost on Search for Truth
Any time TNTP writes a blog piece with "truth" in the title, you know we are about to go down the rabbit hole. But not surprisingly, an unnamed contributor over at TNTP has decided to clue us in on "The Truth About Teacher Pay." How can that possibly end badly? Let's see what truths they have uncovered!Fact: Most districts now have multiple high quality options beyond experienc

Joy and Pain in PLC-land
Oh, if only we could easily sort all education ideas into perfectly embraceable and easily rejectable. But it's rarely that simple; we have to use the Power of Actual Thinking to separate the usable from the risible.Last week I spent two and a half days in the arms of PLC with colleagues from my school. Our administration is looking longingly at taking the PLC plunge and had shipped us to Seattle

7-13-14 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: TrackingNot a fan of heterogeneous grouping. Never have been. It's a purely personal choice; I experienced it as a high school student and it was miserable.But while I believe that tracking is the way to go, I believe there are a couple of ways we do it wrong.Most commonly we track by the destination. We let students know that Bus A runs to college and Bus B runs to a trade. Each b