Wednesday, July 16, 2014

7-16-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher

Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.:

Staff at largest labor union fight to win a fair contract. First time in history union management refuses to extend contract.
The Association of Field Service Employees outside the NEA RA in Denver. (Washington, D.C.)—For months staff members at the nation’s largest union–the National Education Association–have been trying to negotiate a fair contract with their employer.  Ironically, the very same employees who work on-the-ground to assist NEA teachers and education support professionals secure fair working conditions,

Rahm has Leonardo shaking his head.

Red-baiting in Chicago.
Campaign kick-off poster for Tim Meegan. - Tim Meegan is a Chicago Teacher and candidate for Chicago Alderman in the 33rd Ward. Fred, Here is the full text of my speech. Clearly I’m not calling for violent revolution: My name is Timothy Meegan, I am a father of a CPS student and a teacher at Roosevelt High School. The American Legislative Exchange Council is a group of corporate lobbyists and st
Lewis hasn’t even announced yet and look what is crawling out from under the rocks.
Sarah Palin rides again. First there was this weekend’s Sun-Times poll that showed County Board President Toni Preckwinkle beating Rahm by a mile. And CTU President Karen Lewis beating him by 9 points. Then Preckwinkle said there was no way she was going to run. And Lewis said she was organizing an exploratory committee. The excitement has been palpable. Progressives from around the city are putt
Arthur Goldstein. Tenure for good apples too.
- Arthur Goldstein is a New York teacher and UFT Chapter Leader at Francis Lewis High School. This column appeared in the New York Daily News. Every day, it seems, I read about a new lawsuit to do away with teacher tenure. The crusade reminds me of my friend Harris Lirtzman. It’s because of tenure that I teach and he doesn’t. Harry used to be a deputy New York State controller until, in 2009, he

7-15-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Don’t use Staples.As a state-wide elected delegate to the NEA RA I get reimbursed for most of my expenses. I have to fill out forms and provide receipts as it is carefully monitored by the IRS. And who knows? Maybe the NSA too. Rather than make copies of the forms at home, I normally go to the neighbo