Tuesday, July 1, 2014

7-1-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

Common Core and Homework
There have been many stories about parents - famous (like Louis C.K., a certified public school parent in NYC who spoke about Common Core homework NOT in a routine but as a parent) and not-so-famous - and their struggle to help their children with their CC homework, particularly in math.The latest article comes from the NY Times.  Some of the comments are off discussing whether CCSS are valid, imp

Tuesday Open Thread
WA State Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy Dorn has sent a letter to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan asking that Washington be waived from the NCLB requirement that public schools send out letters about how they are all failing under NCLB (about 96% of schools would have to send out these letters).  Naturally, 96% of Washington schools are not failing; it's just the failure of Congress
6-30-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Great Reading on Ed Reform by a Local LeaderThat leader is Trish Millines Dziko who started Technology Access Foundation and is truly a great thinker on how to push the needle forward for students of color using STEM-based curriculum with project-based learning.Trish has written a series on her thoughts about ed reform (she's frustrated) and we think - intentionall