Saturday, July 5, 2014

2014 ESP of the Year Paula Monroe Honored at RA | NEA Today

2014 ESP of the Year Paula Monroe Honored at RA | NEA Today:

2014 ESP of the Year Paula Monroe Honored at RA

July 5, 2014 by twalker  
Filed under Education Support Professionals

By Brenda Álvarez
Paula Monroe is unequivocally an Education Support Professional (ESP), a high school secretary in Redlands, Calif. It is a title she immediately says upon meeting new people or speaking to an audience. A designation she dons proudly and one that has allowed her to nationally advocate for ESPs, raising their profile along the way. Her efforts have not gone unnoticed, which is why she is the 2014 NEA ESP of the Year. Monroe was honored at the NEA Representative Assembly (RA) on Saturday.
Monroe held numerous leadership roles in her local association, later becoming the president of the California Education Support Professionals. She was on the executive board of the National Council for Education Support Professionals, and in 2000 she was elected as NEA Board of Directors and then as a member of NEA’s Executive Committee in 2007.
2014 ESP of the Year Paula Monroe
A formidable activist for an inclusive organization, Monroe has been credited with being a driving force behind the vote in June 2006 to change the bylaws of the California Teachers Association to include support professionals as full, active members.  The change allowed 5,000 ESPs to become full members of the state Association.
NEA President Dennis Van Roekel introduced Monroe to the RA delegates by praising her hard work and dedication to her students and fellow members. “I can’t think of a better person to represent the cause of ESPs—or all educators—than our Education Support Professional of the Year, Paula Monroe,” said Van Roekel. “She understands that in order to fight for student success, we, as educators, must fight together.”
In her acceptance speech, Monroe said that winning the award “is probably the greatest honor of my life” and urged all educators to continue to stand together in the face of unprecedented challenges.
“Educators, we must rethink our roles,”  Monroe said. “ESP’s and teachers creating new relationships with one another, and working collaboratively on behalf of our students and their families…We need to come together as one community of educators, sharing the great responsibility and honor of educating America’s students.”
Monroe condemned the mean-spirited and divisive attacks that have been leveled at educators over the past few years. They’ve been harmful to the profession, but the real damage is felt by students, families and communities, Monroe said.
“While they are attacking, threatening, and suing us, who is focusing on the real problems?   While they’re trying to silence our voices, what are we doing to address the massive inequities of our country? “ Monroe asked. “We need to focus on the real solutions to the entrenched social and economic problems that 2014 ESP of the Year Paula Monroe Honored at RA | NEA Today: