Tuesday, July 29, 2014

15-7= Private Profit Taken from Public Education Taxes | Reclaim Reform

15-7= Private Profit Taken from Public Education Taxes | Reclaim Reform:

15-7= Private Profit Taken from Public Education Taxes

15-7=8 cannot be copyrighted for profit.
This example can be copyrighted for private profit from public education taxes.
The content can be copyrighted, the instructional materials (text books, worksheets, computer and online programs, supplemental staples in all versions, etc) can all be copyrighted as CCSS compliant for all state brands (Pearson and others) of mandated high stakes testing. Common Core State State Standards are privately licensed - ; CCSS is NOT governmentally owned or licensed. Read the license on its own site.
It is, of course, possible to rationalize and explain what concepts could be taught with examples such as this. Each and every particular math example can be defended on one basis or another, but that is not the point.
Is this valid? Does it teach what it is intended to teach.
Is it reliable? Does it work repeatedly to teach learners what it is intended to teach?
Is it age appropriate?
Is it better than non-copyrighted materials?
Is it cost effective?
Is it an intentionally poor example and standard that can later be improved upon and sold as an updated necessity? (The new and improved 15-7 proof.)
Please add your own questions from your own minds and experiences.
One main point is that this example and so very many 15-7= Private Profit Taken from Public Education Taxes | Reclaim Reform: