Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Working Families Party

The Working Families Party Regret

I was thinking how to respond to theWorking Families Party nominating Governor Andy as it's gubernatorial candidate last night when I came across a Facebook post by SBSB super fan Gail Richmond.

Gail had received an email from Bill Lipton, State Director of the WFP, in which Bill defended the WFP's nomination. The Crack Team has received the email and run it through our computer for analysis.


Last night, we secured a major win. Not for the Working Families Party, not for Governor Andrew Cuomo, but for the working families of the state of New York.

Yeah? How so? How are working families better off today than when Cuomo took office? The 2% tax cap? Hey, how many poor, upstate school districts are better off with that? How are the communities of the Southern Tier doing? In fact, it's just not working families that are being affected by Governor Andy.

About a month ago I went to a school board meeting in quite swanky and well off Rye, NY. The school board in the discussion of the budget was flummoxed. They spoke that they had cut all that they could and could cut no more. Remember, this in a city in which the per capita income is 
$88,637, and the median home price is 
$948,447. The board was planning to pass a utility tax on residents of Rye which has since passed. 

So if Rye is hurting, what does this tell you of the educational policies of Governor Andy?

Faced with a challenge from Zephyr Teachout -– a Working Families Democrat if there ever