Thursday, June 19, 2014

Screwed Out of Retro Pay

Screwed Out of Retro Pay

Driving in this morning, coming down the Deegan I felt as if there were a disturbance in the force, much as Obi-Won felt when Alderaan was obliterated.

I soon became acutely aware of the disturbance in the form of a text message. It read;
"Your next blog; Mulgrew fucks over members!"
I used my voice activation (Texting and driving is a faux pas!) to text back;
"Kopp jiopp"
The response was;
"He fucked over members who resign, are fired, or die. The don't get retro!"
At this point I was off the Deegan at a light and responded;
"You're probably out about $25K"
Which he texted back;
"Yeah, totally fucked over and punished again by own union!"
A little background. The teacher, Seamus FitzPatrick, was involved in a 3020-a hearing this past March. In the middle of the hearing Seamus tendered his resignation so he can keep his state license. The DOE was gracious enough to allow him to finish out the school year (His resignation is effective June 26) as an ATR and he will get his summer pay.

(Wait, he is deemed incompetent by the DOE yet still allowed to teach as an ATR? Doesn't make sense. Shows you how serious the DOE truly is. But I have digressed.)

This Seamus is a good teacher put into impossible situations. It was not fair.

After I parked the car and got upstairs I texted him this story that appeared in the New York Post two