Monday, June 9, 2014

My response to @NCTQ’s attempt to legitimize bullsh!t—#optout! – @ THE CHALK FACE

My response to @NCTQ’s attempt to legitimize bullsh!t—#optout! – @ THE CHALK FACE:

My response to @NCTQ’s attempt to legitimize bullsh!t—#optout!

It’s official.  Anthony Cody just posted on the Education Bloggers Network that NCTQ will host a “media conference call” to release its 2014 Teacher Prep Review.
Please understand that I am not in any way upset with Anthony.  He simply shared a press release from the propaganda machine that calls itself the National Council for Teacher Quality.  When I read the press release this is just what I decided to post.
My take.  Don’t respond to their press conference.  It legitimizes their miserable existence.  OPT OUT!
As “WE” continue to discuss the future of teacher prep and teacher education we must resist the urge to take part in a scripted dialogue where all the rules and parameters have been set by NCTQ.  Chomsky reminds us that those who control the debate set the parameters of the debate and allow “vigorous debate” within the confines of the script.
I refuse to follow NCTQ’s script.  If they want to debate, discuss, or even simply dialogue it will be under the the direction of the professionals that actually do teacher education everyday.
I’m sorry but I have a lot of hard work to do on a daily basis.  I have no time to mount a bullsh!t defense against self appointed teacher education experts. I must ensure that our (Edgewood’s) teacher education program rests upon a solid research and theoretical base and that ALL of our candidates deeply internalize the advocacy mission they 
My response to @NCTQ’s attempt to legitimize bullsh!t—#optout! – @ THE CHALK FACE: