Friday, June 6, 2014

Jindal Already Fell Off the Common Core Tightrope | Truth in American Education

Jindal Already Fell Off the Common Core Tightrope | Truth in American Education:

Jindal Already Fell Off the Common Core Tightrope

Bobby-Jindal.jpgJeff Sadow has a piece up at The Hayridethat discusses the tightrope that Governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA) has taken on the Common Core State Standards.  At first he gave tacit support, and now he is an outspoken critic.  This morning he said that he wants the state out of the Common Core and the tests that go with it saying, “It is time for the Department of Education to come up with a Plan B… I am committed to getting us out of PARCC, out of Common Core.”
But other than talk what has he done?
Sadow points out that he missed his opportunity to use the Administrative Procedures act which gave Jindal the ability to veto the regulations developed by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education early in May.  He had until the end of the month and he failed to do so.
But the Administrative Procedures Act clearly gave Jindal the ability to veto the regulationswhich, for whatever reason, were issued only in early May. This meant that Jindal had until the end of that month essentially to reject them, which would restart the process. Theoretically, this loop could continue indefinitely and presumably CCSS/PARCC opponents could use the time to induce the state’s withdrawal from them.
However, it also would throw the state’s educational delivery into chaos, not knowing what would be assessed and therefore not knowing what to teach, and could lead to a legal violation that requires the state to use nationally-standardized exams in its assessment by a 
Jindal Already Fell Off the Common Core Tightrope | Truth in American Education: