Thursday, June 19, 2014

Almost One Half of Americans Haven’t Heard of Common Core | Truth in American Education

Almost One Half of Americans Haven’t Heard of Common Core | Truth in American Education:

Almost One Half of Americans Haven’t Heard of Common Core

Filed in Common Core State Standards by  on June 19, 2014 • 0 Comments
public-polling.jpgMSNBC/Wall Street Journal released a poll that shows almost one-half of Americans have not heard of the Common Core State Standards.  The poll was conducted between June 11-15 of 1000 adults.  The margin of error is 3.1% +/-.
47% of Americans said they have not seen, read or heard news about the Common Core.  22% said they have heard about it a lot.  30% have said they have heard about this some. 1% said they were unsure.
Now keeping in mind 48% said no or that they were unsure a follow-up question was asked:
Just to make sure that everyone has the same information let me describe the Common Core standards in a bit more detail. The Common Core standards are a new set of education standards for English and math that have been set to internationally competitive levels and would be used in every state for students in grades K through 12.
Based on this information, do you support or oppose the adoption and implementation of the Common Core standards in your state?
59% responded said they supported.  31% said they opposed.  27% strongly supported it while 20% strongly opposed.  First this is a positive spin on the Common Core.  There is zero proof that these standards have been set to internationally competitive levels, but there is evidence that they haven’t been.  Secondly, when 48% of those surveyed know nothing about the Common Core it Almost One Half of Americans Haven’t Heard of Common Core | Truth in American Education: