Sunday, June 15, 2014

All Week 6-15-14 @ THE CHALK FACE


To those focusing on tenure, you’re doing it wrong

If my social media accounts are any indication, I’m probably one of the last 1% of teachers with a week’s worth of school days remaining. It will take me a little more time, once graduations and all of these other special events are over this week, to fully digest and comment on the CA tenure […]

All Week 6-14-14 @ THE CHALK FACE
@ THE CHALK FACE : All Week @ THE CHALK FACE Why Tenure is EssentialI usually find it easier to communicate with conservative reformers like Mike Petrilli or Rick Hess. Unlike their liberal counterparts, they don’t have to contort themselves into crusaders for equity and justice. They don’t have to pretend that attacks on teachers and other workers is some sort of civil rights crusade. These defen