Sunday, June 8, 2014

6-8-14 Schools Matter

Schools Matter:

KIPP LA Schools Receive Junk Rating from Standard & Poor's

Bill Gates Steps from Behind the Curtain in Hopes of Saving Common Core
The Gates Foundation has provided Lindsay Layton of the Washington Post a story that is intended put a band-aid on the bleeding out of the Common Core Standards.  It's worth reading for an appreciation of how desperate Gates is to save his billion dollar baby from going down the drain, like his other self-serving educational thought disorders.With access to Gates and a bit of polished skullduggery

Chicago Teacher Adam Heehan On How Common Core Threatens Good Teaching
from Chicago SunTimes:I teach Financial Literacy as a semester-long social studies course in a Chicago public high school. This quarter we focused on professional skills. My students must find living arrangements on a fixed salary, then explain their plan to the class.Students must calculate their biweekly net pay (based on last quarter’s grades, e.g. an “A” earns you $42,000 a year), and living e

6-7-14 Schools Matter All Week
Schools Matter:  Schools Matter All WeekArne and the summer slidePosted on: Arne Duncan has suggested that year-round school is the solution to the summer slide.  Thanks to the common core, year-round school will make things worse. Research tells us that those living in poverty have the least access to books. Students livin