Thursday, June 5, 2014

6-5-14 Jersey Jazzman : : Reformy Billionaires and the Money They Waste

Jersey Jazzman: Reformy Billionaires and the Money They Waste:

Reformy Billionaires and the Money They Waste
Perhaps my favorite bad reformy argument -- one favored by Tom Moran, among others -- goes something like this:We should listen to billionaires when they opine about education because: 1) Well, they're billionaires, so they must know what they're talking about. 2) They don't have a direct stake in the outcome, so you can trust them.I often harp on the absurdity of Point #2: even though a plutocrat
6-1-14 Jersey Jazzman : One Newark is a Bad Plan. REALLY Bad.
Jersey Jazzman: One Newark is a Bad Plan. REALLY Bad.: One Newark is a Bad Plan. REALLY Bad.This past week, State Superintendent Cami Anderson went on the offensive, making the case for her plan to restructure Newark's schools, One Newark. For Anderson, the problem isn't that her plan is illogical, innumerate, secretive, and ill-conceived.No, the problem, apparently, is "politics":Anders