Tuesday, June 3, 2014

6-3-14 Wait What?

Wait What?:

Wait What? 

Supporters of Corporate Education Reform now targeting higher education
While it is obvious that the widespread access to higher educational opportunities is more important than ever, elected officials have been consistently reducing support for our public colleges and universities. The shocking and disturbing trend has been especially visible here in Connecticut where Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy has pushed through the deepest cuts in Connecticut […] The post Support

New York Working Families Party fails to move Cuomo on education but endorses anyway
When it comes the to the rise of the corporate education reform industry, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and Connecticut Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy continually jockey for 1st and 2nd place as to which one is more anti-teacher and anti-public education. While Cuomo has poured more money into charter schools than Malloy, Malloy is the […] The post New York Working Families Party fails to move Cuom
There goes another $100,000 in taxpayer funds
Following up on yesterday’s Wait, What? post entitled, NEWS FLASH:  Pryor’s No Bid contract costs taxpayers another $100,000 plus, CTNewsjunkie provides the details about the Malloy administration’s decision to pay an out-of-state consulting education reform company another $100,000 despite the fact that the company did not have a written contract extension. As Christine Stuart explains, […] The p
6-2-14 Wait What?
Wait What?: Wait What? NEWS FLASH:  Pryor’s No Bid contract costs taxpayers another $100,000 plusA Hartford Superior Court Judge is being asked today to authorize an “agreement” between the Malloy Administration and Leeds Global Partners, a major player in the national education reform industry.  The agreement will cost Connecticut taxpayers an additional $100,000 on top of the $195,000 the out-of