Saturday, June 28, 2014

6-28-14 With A Brooklyn Accent: Love Letters to the BATS

With A Brooklyn Accent:

On the Intolerable Conditions of Many NYC Public School Buildings- A Teacher Comments
I had gotten into the habit of wearing  polyester, or heavy, cotton blouses by mid May, fabric that should spare me the embarrassment of unsightly sweat stains left by pools of perspiration being seen by my students.  It was ninety two degrees and my classroom, was not an oasis of learning as it should be but rather, a prison.  Kids were forced to stay against their will, as we teachers were told

The Challenges Facing the NEA and the AFT at Their National Conventions
 As teachers unions prepare to meet this summer, they face three great challenges, which are also opportunities:The rapidly growing grass roots movement against the Common Core Standards, which has already led several states to withdraw from CCSS, and has probably doomed its creators vision of CCSS as a national curriculumA broad based legal challenge and public relations campaign against teacher

JUN 25

The Staggering Amounts of Money Spent to Show Teachers and Teachers Unions are to Blame for Inequality
As the wave of anti-tenure lawsuits are about to move from California to NY and other states where teachers unions are strong, it would be instructive to think about the staggering amounts of money very wealthy people have spent to demonize teachers unions, teachers and public schools. In addition to the tens of millions poured into campaigns for local school boards, and into mayoralty races to ma

JUN 24

Getting Rid of The Bad Teachers: Discrimination in Berkeley, CA A Guest Post by Masha Albrecht and Brian Crowell
 Getting Rid of The Bad Teachers: Discrimination in Berkeley, CAby Masha Albrecht and Brian CrowellThroughout the country school districts have instituted different methods of weakening teacher tenure. In California, as in some other states this policy is called Peer Assistance and Review. What is Peer Assistance and Review?Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) is a remedial program for teachers who re

JUN 23

An American Tragedy: The Humiliation and Displacement of Veteran Teachers
Every day, i get an email or Facebook message from a teacher somewhere in the United States who has been driven our of their job by a school administrator after more than 20 years of loyal service to the profession, often with great distinction. These teachers have worked in all kinds of schools; have taught a wide variety of subjects, have sometimes been coaches, librarians and school counselors.
3 Reasons Why the Deal Between Gov Cuomo, the Legislature and NYSUT is Unacceptable
1. There is entirely too much testing in New York State. The fact that 3rd graders have to sit through six days of testing in ELA and Math is unconscionable. That is more testing than people endure to get into Law School, Medical School, Business School and even to pass the Bar. You don't change that you are sanctioning child abuse.2. The absurd test security provisions regarding testing in New Yo