Wednesday, June 25, 2014

6-25-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum Week

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

Duncan to Sped Kids; Try Harder
An interesting collection of statements from Sec'y Duncan came out as he issued new regulations on how schools are to serve Special Education students.  From NPR:Education Secretary Arne Duncan announced what he calls "a major shift" in how the government evaluates the effectiveness of federally funded special education programs. "It's not enough for a state to be compliant if stude

Supreme Court Upholds Cell Phone Privacy
This ruling may be a subject you might want to talk to your kids - especially teens - about at some point.In a 9-0 ruling, the Supreme Court today ruled that police must have a warrant to search the cellphones of people they arrest.  From the NY Times:The old rules, Chief Justice Roberts said, cannot be applied to “modern cellphones, which are now such a pervasive and insistent part of daily life

6-24-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum Week
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Example of how SPS Staff Can't Get it RightTomorrow is the public hearing on the budget.  This is a state-mandated requirement.  There are rules about it.But I noticed that the SPS website - the home page, the Board's home page, the Calendar page - none of them explained how to give input (other than showing up and THEN finding out). No info on length of time at th