Monday, June 23, 2014

6-23-14 Schools Matter

Schools Matter:

Dangerous Racist Fool Proves Himself to be Dangerous Racist Fool
Below is a post from 2011 that gives a little background on why this recent outing of right-wing serial blog commenter could not have happened to a more awful person.John Huppenthal, Dangerous Racist FoolSchools Matter September 28, 2011With every brief and successive generation of Tea Party spokesmen and nutjob officials, particularly in Arizona, the current ones make the previous ones seem like

Whole Brain Teaching, the Latest Lucrative Quackery for Repackaged Rote Learning
There is a respectable body of literature on brain-based learning, but it has nothing to do with the current testing factory craze, Whole Brain Teaching (WBT).  WBT represents the same centuries-old memorization and recitation techniques duct-taped to repeated displays of loud chanting and clapping, with some primitive behavior mod thrown to give this latest chain gang craze the thinnest veneer of

The Hastening Demise of Common Core: PARCC Down to 15 Members; Smarter Balanced, 22
Tennessee done.  Next likely to be Mississippi and North Carolina.  TN Parcc Withdrawal and Attachment

Former Student Sees KIPP As "a cancer"

This student graduated from KIPP in the early 2000s:KIPP at its core means well but it is a cancer, one that threatens children with Machiavellian methods and punishments that are unneccessary.

6-22-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Learning About Liberty in a Charter Chain GangThis KIPP knock-off, Nashville Prep, has had numerous complaints about the severity of its penal pedagogy and abuse.  Here it is cleaned up for the cameras, i. e., minus the screaming and humiliation and silence.  If you find this disturbing, you have to remember that this is what they are most proud of--this is as good as it Ji