Saturday, June 21, 2014

6-21-14 Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida ALL Week

Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida, red in Washington, dark sky-blue in Israel and public school in Education:

Scathing Purple Musings 

 Color me purple in Florida ALL Week

Curious Spin From Jeb Bush Camp on Scott’s Signature of Voucher Expansion
Writing in the Foundation for Excellence in Education web site, CEO Patricia Levesque completely ignored the expansion of Florida’s school voucher program and only focused on the portion of the bill which had bipartisan support. Anyone can be for school learning accounts for special needs kids: TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, Florida Governor Rick Scott signed into law a school choice policy ensuring t
Rick Scott Signs Voucher Expansion Bill; Will FEA Fill a Lawsuit?
Both Leslie Postal in the Orlando Sentinel and AP reporter Gary Fineout are saying that Rick Scott has just signed SB 85O which will expand Florida’s school voucher program. Fineout writes that Scott’s signature would “trigger a legal challenge from the Florida FEA. Scathing Purple Musings predicted last week that Scott would sign the bill on a Friday to minimize response from Charlie Crist.  Cris
Perhaps It is Republican Cuts to Bright Futures Scholarships Which Provides the Best Argument Against Florida Voucher Expansion
While PolitiFact dispatched Nan Rich’s claim that Florida’s new expansion of school vouchers takes $3 billion a way from public education (Scathing Purple Musings takes this position, too) they didn’t argue with her number. They disagreed with Rich’s accounting and that her assertion that the figure was part of state revenues was a fair one. Perhaps PolitiFact might be persuaded to consider that v

JUN 17

#StopJebNow Hashtag Being Used By Conservative Activists to Defeat Common Core
Writes Fred Lucas in Glenn Beck’s conservative site TheBlaze: In a critical battleground region that one activist labeled “the most important county of the most important state” for presidential politics, conservatives have a succinct message: #StopJebNow. The hashtag was used this weekend to spread the word about a rally to be held by grass roots activists outside a Republican National Committee

JUN 15

Bobby Jindal Vetoes Common Core Bill; Meanwhile Rick Scott Deceitfully Claims “Common Core Is Out”
From New Orleans Times-Picayune reporter Julia O’Donoghue: Gov. Bobby Jindal on Friday vetoed a bill that many had seen as an endorsement of the Common Core academic standards. The governor has recently said he wants to scrap the educational benchmarks and its associated testing in Louisiana, though Common Core advocates doubt he has the authority to do so, now that the Legislature has declined to

JUN 14

Start the Clock: Controversial Voucher Bill Arrives On Rick Scott’s Desk
Reports Leslie Postal in the Orlando Sentinel: The Florida Legislature has sent Gov. Rick Scott the controversial bill that expands the state’s largest school voucher program. Scott has 15 days to decide what to do with the bill (SB 850). A number of education advocacy groups, including the Florida PTA, hope he vetoes it, though that seems unlikely given its support among leaders in his Republican