Friday, June 13, 2014

6-13-14 With A Brooklyn Accent:: Love Letter to the BATS- On the First Anniversary of the Badass Teachers Association

With A Brooklyn Accent:

Love Letter to the BATS- On the First Anniversary of the Badass Teachers Association

  I have been enraged by what has been happening to teachers and public education  for at least 7 years. My involvement began in  2007 with school grading and school closings in the Bronx, which drove the history projects I was doing out of the public schools, and victimized many of the great teachers I had worked with. It built up steam when Barack Obama and Arne Duncan unleashed Race to the Top

6-12-14 With A Brooklyn Accent:: Why Teachers Need Tenure and Due Process
With A Brooklyn Accent: Message from a Florida Teacher on the Discriminatory Impact of High Stakes Testing on Students in High Poverty CommunitiesBut there is something about teacher accountability that everyone seems to be missing. I worked at a school with an extremely transient population for two years. We had more than a 50% transiency rate in a highly impoverished neighborhood. For purposes o