Tuesday, June 10, 2014

6-10-14 With A Brooklyn Accent:: My Reponse to the Vergara Decision

With A Brooklyn Accent: My Reponse to the Vergara Decision:

My Reponse to the Vergara Decision

It is just amazing that politicians, billionaires and significant portion of the general public seem to think you can improve schools by attacking teachers, undermining their tenure protections, depriving them of due process, and generally viewing them as an enemy of children and families who have to be watched, evaluated and scripted lest their deep seated selfishness do their students and the na

6-8-14 With A Brooklyn Accent:
With A Brooklyn Accent: Alliances Across the Political Spectrum in the Movement Against Common Core Have Antecedents in the Depression Era Labor MovementMany of my friends on the left, with the best of motives, have raised questions about my wilingess to work with Conservatives and Libertarians in the movement against Common Core and other top down attacks on public education. They think that alli