Thursday, May 1, 2014

Teachers may begin a “Quinn for #5″ Prison Fan Club | Reclaim Reform

Teachers may begin a “Quinn for #5″ Prison Fan Club | Reclaim Reform:

Teachers may begin a “Quinn for #5″ Prison Fan Club

Pat Quinn could be Illinois Governor #5 to be jailed. 
Teachers may even start a “Quinn for #5″ Fan Club. They would jail him for one set of reasons; federal prosecutors are considering a separate set of reasons.
Why? According to federal prosecutors who are investigating Quinn’s behavior, the old slush fund game got out of control. Take money from where it was supposed to be paid and put it elsewhere while making sure that your cronies get a piece of the action – that kind of thing. Read the Chicago Sun-Times article HERE.
Quinn signs1
What a coincidence! As all the active and retired teachers and state employees know, he gleefully signed the anti-constitutional pension cutting bill, SB1. Of course the state has not paid its legally required share for decades. This used to be called theft but is now euphemism-ized as “underfunding” which sounds better but steals nonetheless – or none of the money stolen is less.
Quinn repeated his personal message from God at various events. According to Quinn, he was put on earth by God to cut teacher pensions. Read HERE.
Gov. Quinn chose the infamous Paul Vallas as his running mate for November’s election. Vallas has cost Louisiana about $1.5 billion in fines for what he did to public school teachers and was declared “legally unqualified” to be a school superintendent by the Supreme Court of Connecticut. Democratic voters in Illinois have been wondering if this was Quinn’s (D) way to throw the race for billionaire Tea Party candidate Bruce Rauner (R) to win. Illinois Teachers may begin a “Quinn for #5″ Prison Fan Club | Reclaim Reform: